Be in the Know: SPIBNCAS Giving Tuesday Facts
1. Did you know that SPIBNCAS has more than 80,000 guests from all over the
globe? SPIBNCAS contributes to the island GDP!
2. Did you know that SPI is a migratory bird stop-over site that records more than 200 bird species annually and that more than 350 species have been recorded on site since opening in 2009? That is nearly a third of the total species recorded in North America!
3. Did you know SPIBNCAS is linked to e-bird, a global bird sighting and counting
data and news service? Most birds consult e-bird and travel to catch rare
4. Did you know SPIBNCAS has provided rest and sanctuary for threatened and
endangered species of birds?
5. Did you know that more than 3000 Valley students participate in field trips at
6. Did you know that foundation partners provide family vouchers to economically
challenged families to tour the Birding Center after their child’s field trip?
7. Did you know SPIBNCAS naturalists lead citizen scientists in contributing
coordinated local, regional and national bird counting data annually?
8. Did you know our alligators are local examples of cold-blooded animals and the
SPIBNCAS field trip curriculum about them is aligned with the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills standards for elementary school students?
9. Did you know that the SPIBNCAS team is certified in handling nuisance
alligators for our region in collaboration with Texas Parks & Wildlife?
10.Did you know SPIBNCAS is a monarch butterfly way station?
11.Did you know there are regional monarch butterflies who stay in the Rio Grande
Valley year-round and there are migratory monarch butterflies that use our
island to feed and rest before continuing their journey?
12.Did you know you can purchase an annual membership to SPIBNCAS?
13.Did you know you can join our environmental education mission by joining
Feathered Friends, our NEW Donors Club?